This Side of the Fence

When we get overwhelmed by our issues we may develop a wish to walk on over and hang out on the nicely manicured lawn across the street rather than face our own weeds. We wish our lives looked different and problem free. And while we all have a legitimate right to want good things and happy times, sometimes examining our own weeds can make for a truly great looking lawn.

When we look at our own weeds, two things happen. We start to realize that we can see our difficult situation in new ways. Perhaps we were stuck thinking about things in one way but when we revisit our situation we realize it isn’t as dismal as it seemed. We can start to see our painful issues in a new light. Even in situations that we can’t change, by staring at the situation instead of running away we learn the extent of our bravery and strength.

Through an examination of our own lawns we can also realize that the weeds are there but amidst a huge lawn filled with greenery. Finding what to appreciate in our own lives and celebrating what we do have can be another wonderful result of looking at our own lawns.

We can’t take out our weeds if we are not on our own lawns. Sometimes the weeds are super pesky and do require a lot of effort, and there will even be some weeds that we can’t pull out. But let’s keep at our own lawn, the more we try at it, the greener it gets.


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