You Go Girl!

Have you ever gone to a fitness class and thought, ‘What am I doing here?’ or ‘How can I possibly ever be able to do what these people are doing?’

Now take yourself out of your gym clothes and put yourself into any scene from any part of your life where you have ever asked yourself the same thing. Whenever we are confronted with situations that seem incredibly daunting and nearly impossible when it comes down to it we really have two choices… give it the old college try or run as fast as possible to the nearest exit and never look back.

We can all agree that we’d love to be able to accomplish new things in life, things that we never, ever dreamed possible. So how can we make sure we’ll be saying, “Here goes nothing!”?

Sometimes we need to sort of rev up our engines to tackle our biggest challenges. We need to remind ourselves of examples from our lives where we felt like we wanted to run, stuck with it, and actually felt like we did pretty good for ourselves.

We can get our engines purring through many different scenarios but a fantastic way is through setting and accomplishing fitness goals. Taking on and achieving fitness goals is usually much more of a mental exercise than it is physical. The more we practice building our mental stamina and succeed at accomplishing our goals at the gym, the more we can start to believe that perhaps that same “Can do” attitude can in fact manifest elsewhere in our lives.

Empowering oneself to see our goals to completion no matter the goal is always a mental muscle. The more we exert that muscle, the stronger it gets.

So put yourself back in those gym clothes and go get ’em!

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