Give someone you love your presence.

One of the greatest gift that you can give to anyone is your presence. Presence means taking the time to understand the world through the other’s eyes. Pausing our own train of thought and giving ourselves permission to surround ourselves in another’s world. Meeting the other with the same curiosity we had as if we were first meeting. It is being with them when we are with them and seeing them as they are in each moment.

What is so great about being present? It validates. It makes us feel understood and cared for. It is the portal and source for greater compassion and love.

So worthwhile and yet quite challenging to cultivate. We are taught to view others not through the lens of the here and now, but through the lens of our past, and our collective history of judgments and old patterns. It is extremely difficult to put all this aside and see people as though we are meeting them from a beginner’s eye.

How do we do this tremendous feat? Practice. And not just with others but also with ourselves. Trying to give ourselves compassion and see ourselves through fresh eyes trains us to see others through this new perspective. So let’s start to make this world a kinder more compassionate place… who will you be giving your presence to today?


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