
I usually associate rejuvenation with a relaxing spa picture, or commercials about facial cleansers or moisturizers. So, “What’s rejuvenation got to do with restarting a wellness journey?” A lot!

Rejuvenation happens when we choose to make decisions from a place of self love.  When we choose to nourish our bodies with healthy foods and maintain regular exercise we are also providing ample quantities of ‘rejuvenation’ to the body.

But isn’t a one hour facial a much easier way to achieve rejuvenation than choosing to eat the right foods and exercise daily?

Yes! Facials are certainly easier, but the effects are as temporary as the thoughts.  Eating well, and nourishing our bodies, giving ourselves time to exercise, and staying well mentally and emotionally can provide a much longer lasting sense of rejuvenation.  Deciding to undergo a challenging wellness journey means that we are honoring deeper feelings of compassion and love for ourselves.  Taking care of our minds and our bodies sends the same messages of us feeling that we are worthy of investing in ourselves. When we make changes in the way that we approach wellness, from a place of deep love for ourselves, we make room for rejuvenation to happen in a very natural and intuitive way.

But maintaining long lasting wellness, even when we have cultivated self love can be a bit challenging at times.  Lasting wellness is a combination of both self love and finding the right techniques that work for us to achieve those wellness goals.  We need a combination of both loving AND knowing ourselves.  Time spent rediscovering ourselves as well as learning what techniques work for us is also time spent cultivating love for ourselves.  When we discover just what kind of precious treasures we are, we naturally want to do everything possible to honor and preserve ourselves.  Fear of rediscovery really only keeps that “diamond in the rough” in the rough.  Sure finding the right balance of techniques could result in some hiccups and bumps, and there will be moments that may feel less than zen like.  But keep at it!  Having the patience to stick it out  during the trial and error processes of finding the right techniques enables us to cultivate an even deeper sense of self love.

The more we cultivate self love, the easier our wellness journey becomes, leading to greater feelings of rejuvenation, leading us back to more self love.

That’s one cycle I want in on!

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