Do it yourself organization!

Clutter. Without even realizing it at times, we can fill our spaces with things that we don’t need or use.  Sometimes the item was needed before and no longer works for us.  Other times we create a “to take care of” pile  and we just simply can’t find the time to actually take care of it.  Whatever the reason, all of this can add up to one messy living space. Because our physical realms can have a dramatic impact on the way we think and our state of mind, sometimes just a little decluttering can have an amazing ability to clear our minds.

Decluttering can mean donating old items that are no longer needed and can be of great benefit to others, or organizing the things that you have already.  Whatever way you choose to declutter, cheers to you for making room for new opportunities and ideas!


I just made this scarf organizer from an old piece of wood and some old paper towel roll cut up into individual rings and then covered in a paper design.


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