The Escape Artist

We often times seek distractions in life to escape from our daily grind or from something challenging.  Escaping can take on many forms such as checking our phones or Facebook, watching TV, or even eating foods that do not nurture us. It is so commonplace that most of us don’t even realize that we are doing it.

Escaping reality isn’t always a bad thing. We all need to escape sometimes and this is heathy. Escaping with a distraction helps us to temporarily put a daunting challenge on hold. Distractions can bring us comfort and delight and may lead to experiences that can transform us as individuals.

What happens, however, when we misuse distractions? Distractions can sometimes facilitate procrastination or can lead us to avoid experiencing life. When we avoid life’s challenges, we often find it reappears and rears its nasty head again, sometimes it develops a second head and becomes some sort of two headed monster. Sometimes we even live in order to escape. These types of distractions detract from our ability to live life in a full and wholesome way.

Facing the present realities, the full gamut of the good and bad in our lives can be quite enriching. Experiencing reality can mean embracing the uncomfortable things that make us anxious. But what a thrill to embrace the full experience of life. There becomes a joy in meeting life in all its glory.

Living in the present moment, is a practice that does get easier with time, dedication and motivation. We will always have things begging for our escaping the present. So how can we stay in the present and not get lost? First, recognize when we want the distraction. Are there specific stimuli that seem to take us away from the present moment? Acknowledge these cues and try better to understand them. Then allow yourself to embrace the present instead.

While escapism offers a quick patched up fix, mindfulness offers us the ability to be brave warriors. Realize your own strength! Face your demons. Don’t forget that the next time that tempting distraction appears to offer its goodies. Take a deep breath and own the awareness that the realities of life may just offer you something even more thrilling.



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