Fallen Off the Wagon?

Embarking on a wellness journey is never easy. At some point along the way, we inevitably meet with new or old challenges that pose obstacles to our new wellness paths.

Sometimes we even fall off the wagon and go back to unhealthy patterns. That is normal and to be expected, us being human and all. When it does happen, we need to ask ourselves how do we now respond.

Our instincts may take on the unfortunate route of punishment. Often without thinking, we do what we know from childhood. We did something “wrong” and therefore are deserving of punishment or criticism. While it may or may not have worked then, we need to question if this really works for us now.

In place of the “punish” I would like to suggest lavish! Lavish yourself with compassion and every kind of healthy treat. Go to an extra yoga class, get a massage, treat yourself to more meditation time, buy a new tasty fruit or tea. Why? When we meet our hardships with compassion, space for good things opens up.

With that space, we can often become creative problem solvers and thinkers. How to make our new wellness paths work well despite our challenges? This question often requires creative solutions. Space creates a new energy that actually enables us to move forward.

Punishment, however, has a tendency to breed more punishment, more pressure, more ruminating thoughts. It creates confinement, often bringing us further away from our wellness paths. It prevents us from feeling good enough to proceed. Usually it results in us getting further away from where we are seeking to go.

Falling off the wagon is never the issue. It is what we do next, that matters. Remember to lavish with compassion and before you know it, you will feel the energy you need to pick yourself up and get to it once again!


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