
Ever read a magazine headline, “The most important nutrition tip you will ever read about!” or,“ The number one weight loss tool is _____”. A lot of people try to make these claims, but in fact all of these tips and techniques are not created with you in mind. And it is for that reason that I want to boldly declare that before you begin any wellness journey, the most important place to start is with figuring out who you are.

Who are you? I don’t mean what is it that you do for a living, but I also don’t mean in that existential uncomfortable philosophical way (although if you’d like we can go there!)

In order to know where to go and how to chart out a wellness journey, you need to ask yourself, “What motivates me?”, “What are my obstacles?”, “What gets my creative juices flowing?”, and “How do I view myself?”

No brilliant authority on any aspect of wellness can know those things about you or write a book about how you specifically can pursue wellness except for you! (ok in the chance that someone wrote a biography about you, you just lucked out here!)

And yet, this is the most important piece that needs to be examined before we can embark on thinking about a lasting wellness!

I can imagine a scenario of someone who watches a show about healthy eating or exercise on Tv and yet is meanwhile eating a bag of chips and drinking soda (Ok that was me… try not to judge…).  So how does someone like that learn to throw away those bags of chips? First I learned that if I have it in the house, I will eat it. Period. Ergo, if I do not have it in the house I will not eat it. How do I not have it in the house? Luckily, I am able to have the self control to not buy such products so that they do not enter my house. For me, knowing where I have and don’t have self control is the single healthiest nutritional wellness tip that has saved me from years of night time binges. But I had to come to terms with myself and understand that that is just the way I am.

Painful reality? Sometimes… but when we explore who we are, making sure to never lose compassion for ourselves, those sharp nails that we thought we had seen on the road up ahead in fact are little artistic pieces that we think are actually kind of cute.

Thought about rediscovering yourself?

I promise it’s a wild, bold and very enlightening expedition! And when you remember to pack a bucket load of compassion, it’s also an expedition you will never regret taking!

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