Upcycling… The good, the bad, and everything in between.

I love upcycling. I love the expression of creativity, being artistic and inventive, getting my hands dirty, helping the environment by producing less trash, and hopefully if all goes well, getting a useful final product!

The process of refurbishing different items reminds me in so many ways of my journey to greater wellness.  Often unhealthy habits and ways of treating our bodies and minds developed as a result of not honoring ourselves.  Finding new uses and ways to view items that were thrown away serves as an example of finding new and positive ways to rediscover ourselves.  The creative journeys of each item from trash to treasure follows our own journeys towards greater self love and acceptance.

And, very similar to upcycling, our wellness journeys can take twists and turns.  Sometimes our goals and paths to reaching them are direct and straightforward, and other times we need to completely redirect ourselves as we bounce from brick wall to brick wall.  The key here in upcycling and in life? Never never give up.  Even if our vision is changing, the process of taking steps towards our vision is already the heart of success.

Want some examples of what I mean?  Check out my year in upcycling for some inspiration and then head outside to the nearest rubbish bin and get started on your own projects!

Project#1 The oatmeal canister

This was a project that was relatively simple and straightforward. I have oatmeal for breakfast every morning, so I figured why not save up some cans and make some cute toiletry containers out of them?

Photo on 10-24-13 at 6.06 PM


Total success…

Photo on 10-31-13 at 7.17 PM

Love ’em


Project #2  Jazzing up some hair pins

I decided that I needed some cooler bobby pins to secure some of my hairstyles in place.  Regular ones were too boring but I also did not want something over the top.  I loved the idea of adding a bead or small jewel to each end, and found some beads from some old necklaces and nail decals.  A little super glue later and voila! My hair is ready to go with a vast assortment of lovely accessories.


Photo on 10-23-13 at 3.38 PM

Superglued beads are set to dry overnight.

Photo on 10-24-13 at 5.19 PM #2

Great new hair accessories!


Then there are the projects that take many twists and turns.  You come across some unanticipated obstacles, but you push through and even though your end vision has been adjusted somewhat it is well worth the effort!

Project#3 The chair

I found this awesome chair on the side of the road,

Photo on 8-13-13 at 10.06 AM


and thought a little weaving of some T Shirt string to the back would work to give the sitter enough support.

Photo on 8-13-13 at 10.59 AM #6

Halfway there!

Boy was I wrong. I fell through the back and managed to get some splinters for good measure.  Furthermore, this lovely blue fabric after one rain and some sun got completely washed out. I realized it was either a give up situation or I had to revamp the old idea. I decided on the latter. I sanded the wood, took down the old structure, and created a more minimalist look but added in support by using a rope design on the back of the chair. I love how I can still see through the chair to the view below. I added some contact paper to some new green fabric, the easiest and effective way to make water resistant outdoor cushions, and here is the final product…



Great spot for coffee break!


Project #4 The planters

This project involved taking a bunch of free black planters and decorating them. First I used some tape and spray paint to design some geometric patterns on each of the planters.


I did not love the result and decided to try to cover the paint by modge podging them. I loved the different patterns I had carefully handpicked on the internet and printed out…

Photo on 8-13-13 at 11.19 AM

Loved the vintage patterns I found and modge podged.

Unfortunately, I was way to0 caught up in the patterns that I failed to realize that the modge podge is water soluble and not the best sealant for planters which get exposed to water daily.



Oh well…

I then removed all the paper that once held those beautiful vintage patterns and decided to come to terms with the spray painted version.


Photo on 8-13-13 at 11.19 AM #3



Final product

Acceptance sometimes of something you may not be thrilled with but can find the beauty in nonetheless, can feel wonderful! I have since really grown to love them, and now appreciate all the steps that I took to get here.



Project#5 Broken doll cribs

Then there were these….

Photo on 8-26-13 at 2.20 PM #3


I believe they used to be doll cribs from a kindergarten nearby. When I brought them home, I had no idea what they would be, but I just knew I had to do something with them. My husband creatively saw them as interestingly shaped tables and as soon as he said it I agreed!

Who knows how many germs had touched these babies, so I did some heavy sanding down of the the wood and cut off the colored sides…

Photo on 11-14-13 at 11.07 AM


I decided to cover each with different designs to reflect the decor of their ultimate homes.  The big one was modge podged with off white colored patterned napkins for a bed stand.




Then taking some old wrapping paper I covered the second one and put contact paper on it to protect from the elements outside. I wanted a really vibrant bright green outdoor table to add some color to our porch!




This project was very time consuming and way more work than I anticipated at first.  But I stuck with it and am in love with the results!

Sometimes our visions are right on, sometimes we need to make a few detours, and sometimes they are just plain challenging and seem nearly impossible to reach.  Whatever they are, and no matter what they turn into, stick with them!  Most importantly, enjoy the journey!  Because even if it ultimately turns out to be not what you expected, you can always learn to love those imperfections!  It gives it and you way more character!

Happy upcycling!

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